Welcome to JuiceGroupsWelcome to JuiceGroups

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Yes.  Check there is a club in your village. If there is, you can choose to "Join the email list".   The day before each order you will get the reminder members receive with the price and delivery date.
Just 1 or 2 days after the order closes.  Part of the deal we negotiate with the oil companies is to have a tanker ready to deliver as soon as we place the order.
Twice a month.  We will try to order on same two dates each month but these dates may move a little to avoid weekends or bank holidays.
Once you register you will see the member page instead of the visitor page when you visit the website.   The member page shows the dates of the next two club orders, so you can decide whether to be part of the current order or the one after that.
If you live in the village, yes.  Click on ‘Return to Visitor Page’ below and enter your postcode to check.
The next web page you see asks if you want to be a member or simply join the email list.   If you choose to join the group you will see a registration form.  To become a full member all we need is your name, the address for oil delivery and an email address.
You can add additional requests or instructions with your order.  In this case you would write ‘AGA additive please’.  Requests are repeated automatically each time you order but you can change them whenever you wish.
Yes, but it takes time.  We need to get the backing of local oil companies, build a reputation for service and rely on word of mouth to grow.   Please ring 0XXXX XXX XXX to start the process.