Welcome to JuiceGroupsWelcome to JuiceGroups

Our duty to you under the data protection act


Because we collect and process personal data, we must tell you what data we hold, why we need it, how long we hold it for, what we do with it, who we share it with and how it can be removed.


The data we hold is the information you provide in the registration form and the orders you place.   We hold your name, postal address, email address and telephone number so that we can contact you.  For example we use your email address to confirm your oil orders.  For security reasons we ask you to provide a password.  We ask you to confirm you are a private individual so that the correct lower level of value added tax can be added to your bill.  From the order forms you submit we store the quantity of oil and any special delivery instructions.


We process this information by adding orders from members together to create the final club order.


Club orders are available on the website to selected local oil companies to enable them to bid.  The data is sent to the oil company winning the contract in the format they require.   They in turn use it to create the paperwork, the delivery notes and invoices etc, needed to fulfill each individual order.  We do not share information with any organisation other than these selected oil companies.  We keep a record of each club order for 35 days in case there is a dispute.   After this period the order details are automatically deleted.


We keep your personal details and delivery instructions on file while you remain a member.   If you ask us to end your membership your personal information is deleted there and then.  If you do not visit the site for over a year we will email to check if you wish to continue your membership.   If there is no response we assume you may have moved house or changed your email address and we will first warn you but then remove you as a member.  You can join again at any time simply by completing the registration form.